Blizzard Bag!

Name _____________________________                                        Date _____________
Blizzard Bag                                                                                        Computers--Mr. Slavin

How effectively can you look up information on the Internet?  You must correctly answer 10 QUESTIONS to get credit for this assignment!

Perform a Google Search on the names or terms in each question (or work backwards and search the answers!) below and circle the letter which best answers the question. 

1)  Who is credited with creating the home computer in 1975?
            (a)  Bill Gates                                        (c)  Gary Kildall
            (b)  Ed Roberts                                     (d)  Steve Jobs

2)  What was the name of the first home computer?
            (a)  Univac                                            (c)  Apple I
            (b)  IBM Personal Computer                   (d)  Altair 8800  

3)  Who co-founded Apple Computer?
            (a)  Steve Jobs and Ed Roberts             (c)  Ed Roberts and Steve Jobs
            (b)  Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak        (d)  Steve Jobs and Steve Allen

4)  Who was Bill Gates’ partner in creating Microsoft, Inc.?
            (a)  Stevie Nicks                                    (c)  Paul Allen
            (b)  Steve Allen                                     (d)  Stevie Wonder

5)  The first Operating System developed for a PC was called…
            (a)  CP/M                                              (c)  Windows    
            (b)  Lotus 1-2-3                                      (d)  DOS 1.0

6)  The first spreadsheet program used in a PC was
            (a)  Excel                                              (c)  Pricer
            (b)  Lotus 1-2-3                                      (d)  VisiCalc

7)  ____, who worked for Seattle Computer Products, created the Operating System (PC DOS 1.0) for IBM’s first PC.
            (a)  Tim Patterson                                  (c)  Gary Kildall
            (b)  Steve Jobs                                     (d)  Jeannie Johnson

8)  What was IBM’s code name for their first PC?
            (a)  The Floridian Project                        (c)  The Clone
            (b)  The Peanut                                      (d)  The Apple Killer

9)  What was the first “killer application” used in the IBM PC?
            (a)  Lotus 1-2-3                                      (c)  OS/2
            (b)  MITS                                               (d)  VisiCalc

10)  Reverse engineering was used by companies such as Compaq, Dell, and AST to produce  what are commonly referred to as _____ of the IBM PC.
            (a)  derivatives                                      (c)  Xeroxes
            (b)  clones                                            (d)  spinoffs

11)  Who produced the first microprocessor chip used in the IBM PC and its similar competitors?
            (a)  Apple                                              (c)  Microsoft
            (b)  Intel                                                (d)  MITS

12)  Who made the first working Graphical User Interface (GUI)?
            (a)  Google                                           (c)  Xerox
            (b)  Microsoft                                        (d)  Apple

13)  Pepsi’s  _____ was chosen by Steve Jobs to take over for him at Apple from 1983 to 1993.
            (a)  Steve Ballmer                                  (c)  John Warnock
            (b)  John Sculley                                   (d)  John Appleseed